December 19, 2010

Final Video


The tools used in this program are so fun. You can manipulate shapes and pictures in so many different ways. 

I think being able to use the anchor tool was one of the most fun. Any shape or drawing made has these anchor points which you can change the shape of a line or curve and move certain points to create a new shape almost. This could come in real handy if trying to draw around shapes and you need more exact lines. 

Here is my finished practice. I used gradient tools, and blending tools. The spray symbol tool thing was entertaining. Thats how the balls at the top were made. I liked how you could write text on a created line, so it didnt have to be just left to right, but on an arch or possibly a circle. You can also make shapes go forward or backward in the scheme of the picture so that you can layer in a better way. The brush strokes could also change shape and line scheme. Illustrator can do such fun things, and while im not an expert by any means, I look forward to working with it further. 


This is a screen shot of me just beginning to play around with some of the tools. Just a little experimentation. I used to use this tool a little during high school in a graphics class. I have not used it since but I am looking forward to really get back into using it. I remember it being very fun to use. 

December 12, 2010


Playing with the many different sounds and instraments garage band has, I am quite pleased with my results. I made of a mixture of different sections. Most 16 count sections, with one 8 count section. All little different sounds, but all one you could shake it to. I really look forward to putting a whole song together as one piece. 

I sent my song to my iTunes library so that I can play it for myself with I want to dance around :)

Once I had a few different sections put up and after sending it to iTunes. I decided to put it together with the use of my iMovie and add some pictures to go along with it. I chose some of the pictures of my volleyball team (as if you guys havent seen enough of them lol). Or just close your eyes and take a listen to my first mixed loop.


The tool I chose to play with more is garage band with making loops. These can really com in handy when working on adding music to other movies without breaking anyones copyright laws because the music will be my very own. 
The toughest part is really working with the different beats and instruments to put something together that really meshes and sounds good without being over cluttered with sound at the same time. 


I think I entertained myself to much with this one. :)